They say having a teething puppy is a lot like having a teething baby (well sort of).
Puppies go through a teething state as well, where they nip when they play and may bite because they do not know any better yet.
So like babies, they are not born knowing right and wrong and it’s your responsibility as a new dog owner to teach them not to nip and bite.
So how do you do that? Check out our pitbull puppy training tips for nipping bites in the bud!
Pitbull Puppy Training Tips: Nipping Bites in the Bud
Why do they nip and bite? In order to put a stop to the biting and nipping of your new puppy, you must understand why they do to begin with. Dogs don’t have hands like we do, they use their mouths for more than just eating, in fact they use them for everything. Playing, communicating, eating, speaking, dogs use their mouths more than we might think about normally. They also bite because they get bored. Their cute little puppy brains think “Let’s get this party started” and biting get attention they seek. Even though the response isn’t a good one, they got your attention!
Related: Pitbull Puppy Training Tips – When Should You Should Start
How do you stop the nipping and biting? Understand that nipping and biting from a puppy is a developmental stage. This is a stage he should grow out of between 6 and 9 months. In the meantime, make sure he has plenty of chew toys that he can gnaw on to relieve him. Also, teach him the word ‘no’ and redirect his attention to his toys. During your pitbull puppy training, you want to reward positive behavior.
Puppy school: This is the best thing you can do for you and your pup! Get your pup into puppy school ASAP. You will learn how to use commands and train your dog at home, he will learn you are the alpha dog and also socialization with other dogs and how to behave around people and other dogs. When you think about it, puppy school is really for you, so you can learn how to interact positively with your new friend.
Puppy Training Tips – A Collection of Free Puppy Training Guides
Play dates: Find some friends with puppies or dogs that your new friend can play with. He needs socialization and being around other dogs, when he nips or bites, they will let him know that it’s not ok to do.
Something to think about, have you ever seen a dog bite a tree? Not a stick or a large branch but the tree. The answer is no you haven’t. The tree doesn’t move. When your dog is acting in an undesirable way, stop your body (this works for jumping too). Understand nipping and biting is a stage all puppies go through as they learn their strength and what is ok and what isn’t ok to do. Be patient and firm with him, but more than anything, do not get physical.
How have you stopped the nipping stage from continuing? What sort of tactics and training did you use? Share your pitbull puppy training tips with us below!
Tabatha started her freelance content writing career well over a decade ago, years before joining the DogVills team. She loves writing about dogs (currently a beautiful Shepherd and a newly rescued pit bull) and sharing her experience with new owners. Tabatha also owns her own boudoir photography business and works as a school nurse. In her downtime, she loves hanging out with her children and husband in their Florida home.
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