Do All Dog Breeds Get Fleas? (Detailed Answer)



Sylvia K
Picture of Sylvia K

Sylvia K


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Do all dog breeds get fleas? The short answer is yes. But some dogs are attacked by far than others. Here is everything there is to learn.

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Do all dog breeds get fleas?

If so, are there some that are more likely to get them than others?

Why do white dogs seem to attract them so easily?

We’ll answer all of these questions and more as we go over what every new puppy parent needs to know about dog fleas!

Related: What kills fleas on dogs instantly?

Everything You Need to Know About Dog Fleas

Becoming a pet parent is very exciting, and probably one of the most fulfilling things in life. But then, it’s a huge responsibility.

Before you get a pet, you can take your time to decide which one best by researching to learn what breed matches your lifestyle.

I hate fleas and when I was looking for a dog I low-key wanted to get one that’s “flea resistant.”

I did everything I could. I googled ‘Do all dog breeds get fleas?’ and read everything there was to read.

And if you stay with me to the end, you’ll learn what I found out from my endless research.

Do all dog breeds get fleas? The short answer is yes. But some dogs are attacked by far than others. Here is everything there is to learn.

Are There Dog Breeds That Don’t Get Fleas?

According to an expert at WebMD pet Health Community, there is no such thing as flea resistant pets.

Many pet parents will still argue that one of their dogs doesn’t seem to have a flea problem and is ‘”flea resistant,”  while one needs constant medication.

For example, my cat Ava never has fleas even though my dog is always scratching himself from the flea attacks.

Here are common reasons why pet parents believe some dog breeds don’t get fleas:

Some dogs are allergic to fleas, while others aren’t.

The allergic dogs react more to a flea bite, making it easily noticeable.

This may lead you to believing that your unbothered dog is flea resistant.

It’s easier to notice fleas on some dogs than others.

Fleas are very good at hiding.

They hide in different areas of a dog’s body based on their structure.

For example, while it’s hard for fleas to hide on the ears of a dog with pointy ears, they can hide under the ears of a dog with floppy ears.

Color difference.

While you can easily spot a flea on a white coat, it may be harder to spot one when your dog has a black or dark brown coat.

Related: What can I put on my dog to prevent fleas?

Do all dog breeds get fleas? The short answer is yes. But some dogs are attacked by far than others. Here is everything there is to learn.

What Breed of Dogs is Most Likely to Get Fleas?

As mentioned earlier, some dogs are allergic to fleas, so they get very itchy when fleas attack them.

In the process of trying to get rid of the flea, they scratch and lick themselves.

This creates a more conducive environment for fleas to feed.

On the other hand, dogs that aren’t allergic to fleas don’t scratch, so they’re likely to have fewer fleas.

Or at least it will seem that way.

That said, some health experts still believe some dogs attract fleas more than others.

Yet, this doesn’t mean that the answer to ‘Do all dog breeds get fleas?’ is No. Not at all.

It isn’t about the breed.

Just like some people get mosquito bites more than others, fleas are blindly attracted to some dogs than others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are common questions dog parents ask regarding fleas.

Do White Dogs Attract More Fleas?

Does having a white dog mean more fleas?

Contrary to the expectations, it’s quite the opposite.

Although fleas still attack white dogs, white is the least color fleas are attracted to.

According to several tests carried out by Flea Science, both cat and dog fleas are attracted to white color the least.

Their white socks technique gave the same results.

This simply involved someone wearing white socks to measure the population of the fleas in their house.

The fleas would see the white socks as a host and attack them.

The fleas were more crowded in a black sock than on a white sock.

So, when they’re other reasons your dog may be attacked more by fleas, being white isn’t one of them.

Can dogs with hair (hypoallergenic) have fleas the same as a dog with fur?

There isn’t a definite answer to whether hypoallergenic dogs get fleas or not.

However, according to Fidosavvy, they’re less likely to get fleas, but they are still vulnerable to ticks.

However, a Quora user strongly disagrees, arguing that fleas go after blood and not fur.

The expert bases his point on the fact that it’s common to find fleas on a dog’s belly, even though the area doesn’t have fur.

To ensure your dog is safe, take the required precautions regardless of your dog’s type.

How do dogs get fleas when not around other dogs?

If your dog is flying solo and they still have fleas, you may be wondering why they get them from.

While this can be quite a puzzle, there is a simple explanation for this.

They’re multiple other ways your dog can get fleas. They include:

You could be bringing fleas into your home.

Fleas are always looking for something to attack and feed on.

You may not notice, but you could be carrying fleas on your shoes or clothes.

This could slowly lead to fleas infesting rugs, bedding, plush toys, and blankets. And your dog ending up with fleas.

Dog facilities.

Indoor rooms that other pets frequent can be nasty flea-infested areas.

Be careful when choosing your pet’s groomer or doggie care.

Other animals.

Besides other dogs, your dog can get fleas from other animals.

This may be other outdoor animals such as birds, skunks, or your indoor cat.

Just walking through the grass

I doubt you  keep your dog inside 100% of the time, so he can even get fleas just by going outside to do his business.

They live everywhere– grass, trees, shrubs. So, chances are fleas are lurking somewhere in your yard.

There are multiple ways your dog can get fleas, but they can all be controlled with the right measures.

Do All Dogs Breeds Have Fleas? 

It’s safe to say that all dog breeds are prone to fleas.

There are also a million ways your dog can get fleas.

So, what next? Is that it? Do you give up on your dream of getting a dog?

Not exactly. There is no need to panic. There are several ways to make your yard and home flea-free. We’ll be discussing them over the next week in our ongoing flea series.

In the meantime, I recommend checking out: What is the Best Flea and Tick Preventative for Dogs?


What do you think? Do all dog breeds get fleas in your opinion? Have you ever had a dog that never got fleas? Share below!





Picture of Sylvia K

Sylvia K


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