Many of us have nervous dogs. Maybe it’s an overall anxiety or just when the 4th of July rolls around. There are many questions surrounding dog calming aids. How do they work? How long do they take to work? Are they safe?
Dog Calming Aids – The Ins and Outs
Dog calming aids can be a great supplement for those of us who have an anxious pup. It’s so difficult to watch our beloved pets cower under the bed during a thunderstorm or when the fireworks are going off. It’s equally disturbing to watch our sweet little guys snarl or cower in fear when another person comes over for a visit. That’s why dog calming aids are so popular. But there are a lot of questions surrounding these aids, as well.
How They Work
Dog calming aids either use pheromones or herbal sources to help calm and soothe a nervous or fearful pet. Both options are safe, but they work differently. Pheromones soothe your pet by giving them a familiar scent that works within their brains to activate the centers responsible for feeling calm and safe. Herbal supplements have more of a sedative effect. The herbs used in these dog calming aids soothe your pet by chemically interacting with its brain to increase the output of certain brain chemicals or to very mildly sedate it.
Are They Safe
Dog calming aids are quite safe if you get a reputable brand from a reputable source. This is NOT the time for home remedies. My personal recommendation is to use a dog calming aid which utilizes pheromones. They are the most natural option, and their approach is a natural soothing, not a sedation. There are times when you might have to opt for an herbal option for those instances that really wind up your dog.
How Long Does it Take
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That really depends on what sort of calming aid you’re using. Pheromone-based dog calming aids are distributed into the air via a diffuser. This is a long term option, and should not just be popped in when the fireworks start going off. A pheromone based dog calming aid is for the long haul. Not a quick fix.
Dog calming aids which use herbs for a calming and slightly sedative effect are more of an on-call option, although you still shouldn’t wait until your dog is already wound up to use them. Generally speaking, a liquid aid which can be administered directly to your dog will begin to work within minutes, but be aware that it may take up to half an hour to reach full effect.
What to Use and When
If you have an all-around anxious dog, I recommend a dog calming aid which uses pheromones via a plug in diffuser, and I recommend them in all rooms of your house. This option fills your entire home with pheromones which are soothing and calming to your pet. No matter where it goes, the pheromones will be there promoting a sense of calm and well-being.
For situationally fearful animals, I recommend a dog calming aid which can be administered directly to your dog and which acts quickly. Dog calming aids that come in a drop form are ideal. Remember, however, that it can take up to a half hour for the aid to take full effect, and they absolutely will not work if your dog is already ramped up. So give the fast acting dog calming aids AT LEAST a half hour prior to the storm or the fireworks or the guests. The trick is to nip it in the bud before it happens.
Dog Calming Aids – Calming When Used Correctly
I hope this has helped you to better understand the ins and outs of dog calming aids and how to use them effectively for your purposes. If you take these tips and apply them to your pet, you should see improvement. Remember that dog calming aids aren’t a magic bullet, and the effectiveness depends on a number of things including your dog’s metabolism, the type of dog calming aid used, and your timing. I have a couple of high strung pups, so I’ll close with a healthy, “Good luck!” =D
Have you ever used dog calming aids? What was your experience?
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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