How Long Will Your Puppy Continue to Grow?



Grigorina S
Picture of Grigorina S

Grigorina S


I’ve grown up surrounded by animals – dogs, cats, cows, goats, sheep, and horses and that has shaped me into what I am today – a crazy cat lady who always has a place for one more cat (or a dog). I’ve got two female cats – Kitty and Roni, and two tomcats – Blacky and Shaggy, but I also feed my neighbors’ cats when they come for a visit. I just can’t say no to them.

Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Do you look at your new puppy and wonder how long puppies grow? As much as we'd love them to stay little forever, they're not Peter Pan! Find out when you can expect your pup to stop growing.

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Do you look at your new puppy and wonder “how long do puppies grow?”

We all know that puppies are one of the most adorable animals in the world.

Unfortunately, they are not Peter Pan, and they have to grow up.

So, today we’re going to talk about everything you need to know about puppy growth.

How long do puppies grow?

Bringing a puppy home comes with a lot of responsibilities, including monitoring their growth and development to make sure they’re on track.

To do that, you have to know what to expect, right?  So, let’s learn the basics, shall we?

How long does it take for a puppy to grow?

Do you look at your new puppy and wonder how long do puppies grow? As much as we'd love them to stay little forever, they're not Peter Pan! Find out when you can expect your pup to stop growing.


Just like children, puppies grow at their own pace. That’s why what I’m going to give you are just general guidelines.

So, don’t worry too much if your pooch is a bit behind. However, if you have any concerns, discuss them with your vet.

Speaking in broad terms, most pooches reach their full size and height about the time they are one-year-old. 

However, keep in mind that puppy growth depends mostly on the breed and the genes and that it can vary even between littermates.

In most cases, the large the dog, the more time it needs to reach its full size and weight.

Toy and small dogs, on the other hand, reach physical maturity much sooner than their large cousins.

Translated in months, it means:

However, you should know that it’s hard to predict the adult size of a mixed-breed dog. That’s because a mixed dog can take after either of its parents or be a unique combination of both.

If you know the parents, you might have a rough idea of how big the dog will get, but if you don’t – you’ll have to wait and see.

Some people also say that you can predict the puppy’s size based on the size of its paws.

While it makes sense that large dogs will have large paws, that’s not a reliable indicator, especially in mixed dogs.

For example, you might have a medium-sized dog with small paws or a small dog with big paws.

When do puppies stop growing in height and weight?

Do you look at your new puppy and wonder how long do puppies grow? As much as we'd love them to stay little forever, they're not Peter Pan! Find out when you can expect your pup to stop growing.

In general, puppies first stop growing in height then in weight. Experts state that puppies will be around 75% of their adult height by the time they are six months old.

If you’re not good at math, don’t worry. This puppy height calculator will help you figure out the adult height of your dog, but you’ll have to wait for the puppy to reach six months.

You can also use this calculator to figure out your puppy’s weight. You have to know when it was born, though. But, in general, small dogs reach their full weight around 9-10 months, while large dogs – 1.5-year.

Let’s say that you’re wondering when a Border Collies stop growing. The Collie is a medium-size breed, so by the time Lassie is one-year-old, she will have reached her adult size. However, she will continue to grow in weight for a couple of more months.

What can influence the puppy’s growth?

How Long Do Puppies Grow?

When talking about puppy growth, we also have to consider if the pup is neutered or not. Experts explain that the sex hormones tell the body when to “stop growing” and when you neuter the pet there are no hormones to say “stop.”

That’s why if you neuter the puppy before he reaches full physical maturity, he might grow bigger than expected.

Unfortunately, such excessive growth is not a benefit for the puppy. It might lead to joint problems and hip dysplasia. So, you should consult with your vet about the right time to neuter your puppy.

When does a dog stop being a puppy?

Wondering how to get a puppy to stop growling when you pick them up? This is not an uncommon complaint with pet parents. Check out the reasons why a puppy growls & some sensible solutions you can use to help curb the behavior.


To be considered an adult dog, your puppy should reach three important maturity aspects:

  • Physical maturity
  • Sexual maturity
  • Mental and social maturity

As you’ve probably guessed, these milestones don’t overlap. In fact, dogs mature sexually before they reach physical maturity.

Females will come in heat around the time they are six months old, which means that you’ll have to take precautions to avoid surprises. Males will start interest in the opposite sex also in the second half of their first year.

Mental maturity, on the other hand, comes after physical maturity. Experts consider dogs to be mentally matured by the time they are 2-year-olds, so they are no longer “puppies.” Of course, they can still act silly or get excited easily.

So, even though your puppy might look fully grown by the time she is eight months old, it doesn’t mean that Lucy is an adult dog. She still has a lot of growing ahead of her, so you shouldn’t get frustrated if she acts a bit silly.

Do you have any other thoughts on the question of how long do puppies grow? How long did it take for your puppy to grow into an adult dog? Tell us below!


  • I’ve grown up surrounded by animals – dogs, cats, cows, goats, sheep, and horses and that has shaped me into what I am today – a crazy cat lady who always has a place for one more cat (or a dog). I’ve got two female cats – Kitty and Roni, and two tomcats – Blacky and Shaggy, but I also feed my neighbors’ cats when they come for a visit. I just can’t say no to them.

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Picture of Grigorina S

Grigorina S


I’ve grown up surrounded by animals – dogs, cats, cows, goats, sheep, and horses and that has shaped me into what I am today – a crazy cat lady who always has a place for one more cat (or a dog). I’ve got two female cats – Kitty and Roni, and two tomcats – Blacky and Shaggy, but I also feed my neighbors’ cats when they come for a visit. I just can’t say no to them.
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