You have decided to add a new family member to the mix and you are being smart and doing some research on the best dog for your family! You want to pick the best dog for your family, and knowing which are the breeds with the least bites on their record is a good way to get started in choosing!
Something to keep in mind when talking about dog bites is stereotyping breeds. What you see on the news is always about bully breeds biting and being aggressive. Training is very important in teaching your dog (any dog) right from wrong (sort of like your kids!). Bearing that in mind, check out our list of breeds with least bites on their records.
Breeds with least bites on record
Golden retrievers and Labrador Retrievers: Two breeds least likely to bite. Retrievers have been breed for years to retrieve waterfowl. Because of this, they tend to have a ‘soft bite’ so they do not damage the birds, which in turn makes them less likely to bite.
Chihuahuas: This one might come as a shock because these tiny dogs are known to be aggressive, however that is just their behavior and attitude (think of it as short dog syndrome). Despite their big attitude, they have not been known to inflict any real serious bite. You might be thinking this is because they are small and have small mouths which house small teeth, but the reality is size does not matter. Like said above, it is all in how the dog is raised.
Beagle: These dogs tend to love everyone, other animals included. Beagles are very friendly and happy pooches, because of this, the likeliness of a bite from these dogs is very minimal. They do take a lot of training, but my nature are not an aggressive dog.
Shetland Sheepdog: Their bark is bigger than their bite. They are very friendly with adults and children and have an innate sense of obedience and loyalty to their masters. A great family dog!
I think it is important to mention Rottweilers and Pitbulls while talking about bites. These breeds are not high on the list of most likely to bite. In fact, they fall in the middle to end of the list! Pitbulls were once known as ‘The Nanny Dog’, for their loyalty and gentleness to the children in their families. So why does everyone think they are the worst dogs to own? They are labeled a ‘bully breed’ and often featured on the news whenever there is a bite to report.
It is important to remember that any dog can bite. Learn to pay attention to the signs your dog gives. Knowing your animal and when enough is enough will help avoid any nipping and possible biting. Pay attention and listen. Teach your children this as well. Dogs like alone time just like we do. They do not always want to be touched and loved and played with.
What did you do when you were adding a new addition to your family? What was important to you when choosing a family dog? Are you surprised by any of these breeds with least bites? Leave your comments below!
Tabatha started her freelance content writing career well over a decade ago, years before joining the DogVills team. She loves writing about dogs (currently a beautiful Shepherd and a newly rescued pit bull) and sharing her experience with new owners. Tabatha also owns her own boudoir photography business and works as a school nurse. In her downtime, she loves hanging out with her children and husband in their Florida home.
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