Large Dog Breed Profile: Facts about the Bullmastiff



Rodney Southern
Picture of Rodney Southern

Rodney Southern


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Looking for the perfect large dog breed for your family? Check out facts about the Bullmastiff and see if it's the right family dog for you!

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If you’re looking for a large dog breed that is intelligent and eager to please, then look no further than the Bullmastiff. This large dog breed is an excellent choice for a family due to its personality and traits that make this breed a great companion and a worthy protector. Here are a few facts about the Bullmastiff breed.

Large Dog Breed Profile: All About the Bullmastiff


Bullmastiffs are a cross of the mastiff and the bulldog. They were bred in England starting around 1860 for the specific purpose of guarding estates. The large dog breed came about because gameskeepers wanted a dog that could track quietly and pin poachers without hurting them. They chose the mastiff and bulldog breeds to cross and created a breed that has since become much beloved.

 A Great Family Dog

The Bullmastiff is a docile and good natured dog that is very sweet and loving with his family. On the flip side, he is fearless and protective, making them natural guardians. They are not big barkers as their original breeding purpose sought dogs that were silent when guarding estates. You won’t have to worry about a Bullmastiff driving you crazy with his barking, but you can bet he will certainly protect your family with both his appearance and his mannerisms.

Specialized Training May Be Needed

Because the Bullmastiff is an independent thinker, he may not do well with obedience training in a traditional sense. This breed is intelligent, but you may need to consult with someone used to dealing with Bullmastiffs to give you advice about the best training practices.

Space Requirements and Grooming

Because the Bullmastiff breed doesn’t require a great deal of exercise, you can expect them not to be as high strung or hyper as a Lab. Bullmastiffs are not high energy dogs. They of course need regular exercise as any dog breed needs, but they are not full of energy like some other breeds. They also do not need a lot of excessive grooming. Their short coats are easy to care for.

The Bullmastiff can be considered a low maintenance breed, and its laid back attitude is a plus for families. The grooming and exercise requirements mean a Bullmastiff can easily live in a house or apartment without there being issues.

Size and Other Facts

The Bullmastiff is classified in the group of working dogs as a guard dog. For size, the Bullmastiff can range in size from about 24 to 27 inches at the shoulder when full grown. Weight wise, the breed can reach about 100 to 130 pounds.

While the Bullmastiff won’t fit the bill if you’re looking for a petite dog, if you’re in need of a large dog that will guard your family, this is a perfect choice. The sweet nature of Bullmastiffs will make them a beloved part of the family and the protective nature will be ideal for keeping your family safe.

Do you have a Bullmastiff? What do you think of this large dog breed?



Picture of Rodney Southern

Rodney Southern


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