Dog Training Tips to Teach Your Dog to Stop Biting



Rodney Southern
Picture of Rodney Southern

Rodney Southern


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Dog training tips to stop biting are important because a biting dog causes a great many problems in the world of dog ownership. First of all, it can cost you everything you have worked hard for.

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Dog training tips to stop biting are important because a biting dog causes a great many problems in the world of dog ownership. First of all, it can cost you everything you have worked hard for. One dog bite due to your negligence can cause you to be sued and lose everything you own.  It is not a problem that you can take lightly when you own a dog. For this reason, it is absolutely vital to follow some rules to prevent it. Here are some dog training tips to consider.

Dog Training Tips to Teach Your Dog to Stop Biting

Nip the behavior in the bud when they are young – Puppies are naturally going to mouth things when they start growing. It is a natural behavior and you have to be careful not to make them think it is not. Still, you don’t want a dog nipping and biting from a young age at inappropriate times. Chewing on and playing with their dog toy is not the same thing as chewing on your finger, right?

Educate your family – Dog training tips aren’t just about the dog, they’re about everyone who interacts with the dog as well. Education is important for each family member and you should take the time to make sure they know biting triggers. Kids in particular need to be careful around a (affiliate link) dog’s food bowl and other things they consider as theirs. This can be controlled by teaching your youngsters the dos and donts around your dog and their particular breed.

Use rewards and training regularly – Using positive reinforcement is very important if your dog is biting or nibbling when they should not be. Rewarding the dog when they play with their toy instead of your finger is an example. Dogs are not going to respond to aggressive techniques except with a return of aggression themselves. Use positive reinforcement when they get it right and they will want to repeat that behavior again and again.

Avoid wrestling and aggression games – Tug of War is great fun with your dog but it can breed aggression. Avoid the types of games where the dog is in direct competition with the human. Instead, focus on fun games that allow you to be in harmony. Dogs respond to what we put out there and that goes both ways.

Learn about your individual breed – Some breeds are more prone to biting than others and they all have a bit of individuality. Learn what behaviors and situations are triggers for your specific dog breed. This makes it easier to tailor your training and behavior to what they need to learn properly.

These dog training tips, along with patience, will help teach your dog to stop biting and avoid some potentially horrible consequences down the road. Do you have any other great dog training tips that we missed?



Picture of Rodney Southern

Rodney Southern


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