How Big Does a Female Pit Bull Get?



Kate Curran
Picture of Kate Curran

Kate Curran


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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How big do female pit bulls get? Check out our guide to size, weight and the factors that play a role in APBT size.

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How big does a female pit bull get?

 While it depends on if she’s mixed with another breed, female pits do have a few standards when it comes to body size.

If you have or are looking to get a female pit bull, you may wonder how her size compares to a male.

Females are typically smaller than males and are often less aggressive toward other dogs than their male counterparts (especially when the male is un-neutered).

Let’s explore the physical differences between the female and male APBT.

How Big Will Your Female Pit Bull Get?

While there are many larger breeds of dogs, there aren’t many as strong (relative to body weight) as the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT).

My parents had a pit bull mix and we used to joke that she had the strongest nose of any dog we’d ever met. If she wanted you to pet her, she was bound and determined to get your hand on top of her head by tossing it up with her super-powered snout!

Weight & Height

A female APBT averages between 30 and 50 pounds, whereas a male averages between 35-60 pounds.

A mature female averages 17-20 inches at the withers (the ridge between the shoulders to the ground), and a mature male averages 18-21 inches.

It’s necessary to point out that the proportion of height to weight is more important in an APBT than the specific weight. If you have a taller dog, you should expect her to be heavier, as her body proportions would be inaccurate if she were either too light or too heavy (and vice versa for a shorter dog).

Body Type

It is common for a female APBT to have a longer body than that of a male. Also, while it’s not mentioned in the UKC breed standards, many other sources state that the skull of a male APBT is typically wider and more squarely shaped than that of a female.

A male will often have more muscle mass than a female, as well, though I’ve seen some extremely muscular females used for breeding at several leading kennels.

Pit Bull Bella Sniffin

Maintaining Proper Weight

If you’re looking for a strong, loving, medium-sized dog, a female pit bull is a great way to go.

A typical APBT is playful and energetic which helps her get plenty of exercise to stay lean. A good rule of thumb is that you should be able to feel each individual rib but not be able to see them when you’re just looking at her.

A proper diet and exercise regimen will do your APBT good (not to mention help strengthen your bond as you play!).

Do you have a female pit bull? How big is she? Do you find that her physical characteristics match the average? We’d love to hear from you!



Picture of Kate Curran

Kate Curran


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