Looking for the most photogenic dog breeds? While it’s true that all dogs are beautiful in their own way, some dogs just seem to shine on camera. If you spend as much time as I do looking at cute dog pictures, you’ll notice that a few breeds pop up all over the net just a bit more often than others. Like most dog lists, this one is completely subjective and in no way meant to exclude anyone’s favorite breed. We’ll tell you our picks for the most photogenic dog breeds, then you tell us yours! It’s a win-win because we all get to see more adorable pooches, right? Read on for the list!
Top 5 Most Photogenic Dog Breeds
Siberian Husky
I have seen hundreds of pictures of Siberian Huskies, and they never seem to take a bad picture. It is almost like these dogs know exactly when they are about to have their picture taken, and know the right pose to take for the camera. In 2014, right before the Sochi Winter Olympics, some Team USA members posed with a Siberian Husky puppy that is almost just as photogenic as they are. Check out the pictures here.
Shar Pei
You have probably heard of Paddington the Shar Pei, right? Paddington is from Tasmania, Australia and currently has 91,304 Instagram followers. He seems to have all the right facial expressions for the camera. Another photogenic Shar Pei is Tonkey Bear, from Edmonton, Canada. He looks like a cuddly teddy bear. Tonkey Bear currently has 402,595 Instagram followers.
In the United Kingdom, Rylo the Pug was named the country’s Most Photogenic Animal. Rylo beat out 25 other finalists in the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, an animal charity, and Venture’s, a photography company, Prize Pooch Competition. Pugs are just naturally cute, with their unique wrinkly faces. And what makes them most photogenic is that they usually tilt their head at an angle.
French Bulldog
French Bulldogs are the cutest and most lovable dogs in the world. With features like prominent, round eyes and smushed noses, how can they not be considered photogenic? French Bulldogs are part of a breed of dogs known as brachycephalic dogs. These dogs have one common feature: a flat, wide skull shape. Besides French Bulldogs, other dog breeds in this category include Pug, Boston Terrier, Pekinese, Shih Tzu and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Old English Sheepdog
Old English Sheepdogs are well-known for their long, beautiful coats, making them extremely photogenic. Take, for example, Sophie and Sarah, Old English Sheepdog sisters living in the Netherlands. While Sophie, who is 6 years old and Sarah, who is 4 years old, are from different litters, they are totally inseparable. They also love posing for the camera and their owner, Cees Bol, often takes photos of the two dogs and posts them online. In an interview, Cees Bol stated, “The main reason I take the photos is so I can make people happy and put a smile on their face – well, Sophie and Sarah do. In a world full of bad things, I found a way to make it a little bit brighter. And seeing people happy makes me happy. “
Aren’t these pooches beautiful? What are your picks for the most photogenic dog breeds? Share in the comments!
Deanna is a passionate animal lover and freelance writer. She lives with her Chi dog and a ragdoll cat. When she’s not writing, Deanna loves listening to country music or watching Dancing With The Stars.
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