5 Must-Know Dog Training Tips to Curb Barking



Picture of MerryS



Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Got a loud pooch? Check out these tips to curb barking in dogs!

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Looking for tips to curb barking in your dog? As a pet parent with a very vocal pooch, I completely understand where you’re coming from! Excessive barking is a problem that many pet owners deal with on a daily basis. Typically, the longer your dog has been exhibiting this behavior, the harder it is to curb it. However, there’s still hope and lots of it! Read through the following tips to curb barking. Obviously, the issue won’t dissipate overnight. But, with patience and some training effort on your part, your home should be more peaceful before you know it.

Related –> Get Your Pooch to Stop Barking in Their Crate

Dog Training Tips to Help Curb Barking

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Eliminate Boredom

Many dogs bark simply because they’re bored or don’t like being home alone. Reduce the problem of boredom by supplying lots of chew toys to keep Fido busy. This works because it’s almost impossible to bark and chew at the same time. Plus, your dog will be having so much fun, you won’t even think about barking.

Utilize White Noise

All dogs bark when they’re scared. If your dog is scared of outside noise, consider blocking these scary sounds with a white noise machine or radio. This helps to cover up new sounds that instill a sense of fear in your canine.

Try a Citronella Collar

Believe it or not, a Cornell University study indicates that citronella collars help to curb barking. Available with or without a remote control, these collars emit a warning sound when the dog starts barking. If the noise continues, that collar automatically squirts out a few drops of scent. This generally stops the problem.

Ignore the Barking

This method is simple if you can hold out long enough. Ignore your dog for as long as he barks. Many times, he’s barking to get attention. When you give in it just means the same thing will probably happen over and over again. Don’t look at, talk to or touch your barking dog. He’ll eventually get tired and once he learns it doesn’t work, as a means to garner attention, chances are this adverse behavior will take place less and less frequently.

Avoid Barking Back

Avoid barking back at your dog. Since canines also bark to express joy and happiness, yelling or barking back at him will probably only excite him more. When your dog is barking, use a calm tone when speaking. Remember, your goal is to soothe your dog, not agitate him further.

These are just a few easy tips to curb barking in your dog. As with any other dog training, it will take a bit of time to solve this annoying issue. But, once you do both you and your dog will enjoy the peace and harmony of quieter surroundings.

Do you have any other tips to curb barking that we didn’t mention? Share in the comments!



Picture of MerryS



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