5 Fun Facts About Blue Nose Pit Bulls



Kate Curran
Picture of Kate Curran

Kate Curran


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Thinking about getting a pit but not sure which one to get? Check out 5 fun blue nose pit bull facts to inspire you!

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Today, we’re sharing some fun facts about blue nose pit bulls!

Honestly, though, these facts apply to all the breed’s variations.

The nose or fur color doesn’t really have anything to do with personality, as we’ve explained before (and will explain again below).

So consider them fun facts about all pits!

Ready to check them out?

5 Fun Facts About Blue Nose Pit Bulls

First, quick, tell me, what comes to mind when you read the term “pit bull?” Do you think of a fierce, dangerous dog who needs to be avoided, or do you think of a friendly, energetic dog who enjoys pleasing his people?

These dogs are often misunderstood due to something entirely out of their control.

Pit bulls came into existence by cross-breeding bulldogs and terriers to develop a strong, yet agile dog who was used for blood sports such as bull-baiting. This history of aggression has caused a great deal of fear surrounding the breed, and in areas with breed bans, pit bulls are usually included.

Regardless of these fears and bans, there is also a great deal of demand for pit bulls, particularly blue nose pit bulls. Are you curious about blue nose pits and what makes them different? Trying to decide if this is the dog for you? Read on to get the facts!

Fact 1: Pit bulls are not a breed recognized by the AKC.

The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT), what most of us think of when we hear “pit bull,” is not recognized by the American Kennel Club. In fact, a pit bull is more often considered a type of dog, such as a hound or terrier, and is identified by certain similar characteristics. The APBT’s breed cousins, the American Staffordshire Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier, are recognized as unique breeds.

Fact 2: Blue Nose Pit Bulls are not a different breed than the American Pit Bull Terrier.

Blue Nose Pit Bulls’ noses are “blue” (more of a grayish color) due to a recessive gene. It’s the same idea as a brown-eyed couple having a baby with blue eyes. Therefore, it’s really the luck of the gene pool whether or not an APBT will end up as a blue nose. If you’re specifically looking for a blue nose, do your research about the breeder; unscrupulous breeders may inbreed dogs from the same family in order to keep the recessive gene – and that opens up the dog to a whole host of health problems.

Fact 3: They need plenty of time, attention, and training.

Pit Bulls have seemingly endless amounts of energy and strength, but they are also very easy to train with a little bit of attention. They are highly social and want to spend time with their humans. APBTs also love to play and chew, so if you’re not prepared for a dog with plenty of energy, this is not the breed for you!

Fact 4: Pit Bulls get an unfounded bad rap.

With their history, people seem to think that the APBT is innately aggressive and cruel. That could not be further from the truth. In fact, this breed’s history continues that when blood sports were banned in England, settlers who came over to the United States brought their dogs with them to work on the farm. These farmers realized how good the dogs were with their families, and APBTs starting to become the pets that we know them to be today.

Fact 5: Blue Nose Pit Bulls’ coats may not be blue.

Many Blue Nose Pit Bulls’ coats are a shade of gray or charcoal, but they may not be. Again, it all depends on genetics and how the recessive gene carries. If you do have a blue nose with a “blue” coat, be aware that their skin is unusually sensitive.

Tying it all together.

Like other breeds that have developed heavy demand, would-be owners’ desire for for the blue nose APBT has caused breeders to try and create supply. This has led to unsafe and unethical breeding to create a dog that is no less rare than a blue-eyed baby. But just like that blue-eyed baby, folks will stop and stare at your blue nose pit bull – they are beautiful! Partnered with their love and affection for their families, you’re in for a wonderful life with a fabulous breed.

Do you know of any other fun facts about blue nose pit bulls? Do you have a pit? Share your thoughts and experiences below!




Picture of Kate Curran

Kate Curran


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