Top 100 Best 3 Letter Dog Names



Andreea Juganaru
Picture of Andreea Juganaru

Andreea Juganaru


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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So you’ve brought a new companion into your house, but now you will need to find some 3 letter dog names for your little furball. Check out 100 we love!

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So you’ve brought a new companion into your house, and now you want some great 3 letter dog names for your little furball.

Good for you for knowing that it’s easier for dogs to recognize their names if they are short.

I bet you also know that short and snappy names make training a lot easier, right?

Now, you just need a few ideas, and that’s where the list below comes in!

3 Letter Dog Names

Let’s start with a simple list for males, then females!

Then, we’ll check out the meanings behind our top 30 favorites!

3 Letter Dog Names for Males

  1. Abu
  2. Ace
  3. Alf
  4. Ari
  5. Bax
  6. Bel
  7. Ben
  8. Rob
  9. Bru
  10. Bus
  11. Che
  12. Cor
  13. Dan
  14. Dax
  15. Dex
  16. Don
  17. Dug
  18. Eco
  19. Edd
  20. Fan
  21. Fax
  22. Fin
  23. Ful
  24. Gil
  25. Gus
  26. Han
  27. Hok
  28. Jay
  29. Joe
  30. Jon
  31. Joy
  32. Kay
  33. Lex
  34. Luc
  35. Max
  36. Ned
  37. Noe
  38. Oto
  39. Pip
  40. Rex
  41. Rio
  42. Ron
  43. Sam
  44. Tao
  45. Tod
  46. Tom
  47. Uli
  48. Zac
  49. Zar
  50. Zen

All these names are either derived from common human ones.

For example, ‘Sam,’ comes from ‘Samuel’, or ‘Rob’ which comes from ‘Robert’.

But there are also the ones that have a meaning for themselves.

‘Rex,’ for example, stands for ‘a reigning king’

‘Lex’ is a great Greek dog name meaning ‘the defender of men’. There are indeed many names we can choose for our dogs.

3 Letter Dog Names for Females

  1. Acy
  2. Ada
  3. Amy
  4. Ara
  5. Ash
  6. Ava
  7. Bab
  8. Bea
  9. Cas
  10. Cup
  11. Deb
  12. Ela
  13. Eli
  14. Ema
  15. Emi
  16. Fay
  17. Fly
  18. Hal
  19. Hay
  20. Ida
  21. Ika
  22. Isa
  23. Iza
  24. Kas
  25. Kia
  26. Lau
  27. Lea
  28. Lia
  29. Lis
  30. Liv
  31. Liz
  32. Luz
  33. Mar
  34. May
  35. Meg
  36. Mia
  37. Mis
  38. Nia
  39. Pam
  40. Pat
  41. Pia
  42. Rea
  43. Ren
  44. Rin
  45. Sia
  46. Sue
  47. Tes
  48. Val
  49. Van
  50. Zoe

The same rule still applies to our lady pups.

Short names will always be easier for them to remember and there’s a lot to choose from.

The name ‘Bab’ for example, comes from the Greek ‘barbados’ meaning ‘traveler from a foreign land.’

That would be a great name for your new Azawakh pup!

But let’s take a closer look and see what our favorite 3 letter dog names mean.

Our 30 favorite 3 letter dog names with meanings

  1. Ace – A nickname given to the one who excels.
  2. Alf – A Norse name characterized by strength.
  3. Ash – A Hebrew name, meaning ‘happy’.
  4. Ava – Is the Latin word for ‘life’
  5. Bab – Coming from the Greek ‘barbaros’, meaning ‘traveler’.
  6. Dax – A French name, meaning ‘origin’.
  7. Deb – Comes from the Hebrew name ‘Deborah’, meaning ‘bee’.
  8. Eco – It derives from Ancient Greek and it means ‘echo’ or ‘sound’.
  9. Fay – It means ‘confidence’ and it’s a popular English name.
  10. Han – In German, ‘Han’ means ‘the gift of God’, but it’s also very popular thanks to Han Solo.
  11. Ida – This is an English name and it signifies ‘prosperity’.
  12. Ika – Ika is the one who wants to bring happiness to others.
  13. Jay – This is the German name for ‘victorious’.
  14. Kay – Or the ‘keeper of the keys’. I find it the perfect name for a highly trained pup.
  15. Kia – Is short for ‘Katherine’ and it means ‘pure’.
  16. Lea – The German variation of ‘Leah’ is a perfect name for a Basset Hound, meaning ‘weary’.
  17. Lex – This is a greek name and it means ‘the protector of men’.
  18. Max – Short for ‘Maximilian’ and it means ‘the greatest’.
  19. May – Originally, it was associated with the name ‘Mary’, meaning ‘pearl’.
  20. Noe – It’s the French form of ‘Noah’ and we all know how he saved all the animals he could find.
  21. Pam – It supposedly comes from ‘Pamela’, which in Greek means ‘all honey’.
  22. Pat – Comes from the Latin ‘Patricius’ and it means ‘nobleman’. Or dog in this situation.
  23. Rex – It means ‘a reigning king’ and if you ask me it’s the perfect name for that pup who won’t share the couch.
  24. Rob – It means ‘bright fame’ and I think we know that some dogs are very fabulous.
  25. Sia – The Sweedish name means ‘victory’ and the famous singer really put this name on the map.
  26. Tao – Is the Chinese word for ‘long life’.
  27. Tes – Tes is the ‘peacemaker’ and it comes from Greek.
  28. Uli – If your dog has a certain ‘noble leader’ trait, then this is the perfect name.
  29. Zen – The Greek meaning of ‘Zen’ is ‘gift of Zeus’.
  30. Zoe – As the perfect name for a very happy, energetic puppy, ‘Zoe’ means ‘life’.

Depending on your pup’s personality or your personal preferences, you have endless possibilities when it comes to choosing a name for your pup.

And now you have many 3 letter dog names to choose from.

So what are your favorite 3 letter dog names? Tell us below



Picture of Andreea Juganaru

Andreea Juganaru


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