16 Pics of Pits When You Need a Pick-Me-Up



Ashley P
Picture of Ashley P

Ashley P


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Need a pick me up? These 16 adorable pitbull pics will do the trick, especially if you love dog humor! Check them out now!

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Get ready for cuteness overload!

We all have our own opinions on the cutest dog breed, but we think that pitbulls are some of the most adorable pups around!

Pits are nothing short of lovable, personality-filled furbabies.

If you need something to cheer you up on a drowsy day, these pups can put a smile on your face with just one look.

16 Pitbull Pictures That Will Absolutely Brighten Your Day!

1. This pup who is the cutest teddy bear imposter we’ve ever seen!

View post on imgur.com

2. This cutie who can brighten up even the rainiest of days.

Pibble in a rain jacket

3. Love nibbles go a long way!

Watch out! They are ferocious!

4. The insanely happy pit who smiles in her sleep.

My sister’s “viscious” pitbull

5. Those eyes!

Need a pick me up? These 16 adorable pitbull pics will do the trick, especially if you love dog humor! Check them out now!


6. Sweats and cuddles with this bum!

7. The eyes say it all.

Meanest pitbull in town

8. This dog who can teach us all a thing or two about patience.

LeeLoo.. best pitbull ever!!!

9. Chick magnets!

Cuteness OvErlOAd

10. Sometimes sleep is the best medicine for this pup.

it’s my sleeping time. Don’t Disturb

11. Just look at these puppers!

5 week old pitbull puppies

12. This pibble puts your selfie game to shame!

I am one sexy pit bull!

13. Special delivery!

Cutest Pitbull You've Ever Seen!

14. A pit in paradise.

My friends pitbull at the beach today.

15. This goofball with an even goofier smile.

I present to you Gibson the pitbull

16. The most adorable couch potato! 

Need a pick me up? These 16 adorable pitbull pics will do the trick, especially if you love dog humor! Check them out now!


Huge thank you to our readers who sent us pictures 5 & 16 and gave us permission to use them in this post. Got a super cute photo of your canine best pal?  We’d love to feature YOUR pup! Just share pictures of your furbabies to our Facebook wall and we may show them off in an upcoming post!

Which of these adorable pitbull pictures made you smile? Share your favorites in the comments!





Picture of Ashley P

Ashley P


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